ISO 9001 QMS Guide

Download the CGBC ISO 9001 QMS Guide

In this guide you will learn…

  • What is an ISO Quality Management System
  • The factors ISO 9001 QMS concerns
  • The ISO 9001 benefits for your organisaiton
  • How CGBC can help with our ISO Consultation services

Your company’s ISO 9001 Auditor(s) is central to the success of your Quality Management System, so ensuring they are fully informed and properly trained is your first step in security a Quality-driven future.

Your internal auditor, whether dedicated to quality management or a multi-tasking, multi-disciplined all-rounder, is a vital cog in your ISO wheel. But just what is it they do? Here, we define their role, analyse their responsibilities and walk you through pre-quals and a suitable training programme.

ISO 9001 Auditor

ISO 9001 Auditor - The Role

Your dedicated ISO internal auditor is typically a senior member of staff with previous experience in managing or close association with your operational processes and systems.

Their role is to audit your QMS relevant documentation per the requirements of ISO 9001 (or other pertinent standard to which the management system must comply). In addition, the internal audit will confirm that the BAU operations follow the scope, guidelines and objectives laid out in that documentation.

“Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations”

Behaviours and Responsibilities

There are strict behavioural guidelines to which an ISO internal auditor must adhere when performing their duties. Here is a short list of just some of the responsibilities to be undertaken by an ISO internal auditor and the behaviours to which they must remain true:

What Makes a Good Internal Auditor

Pre-quals for the ideal candidate are – relevant education, experience, expertise and personal attributes/qualities – with suitable candidates being selected on the basis of qualification, diligence/work ethic and personal interest in the role.

Lots of people would make good internal auditors but have neither the time nor the interest in taking on the responsibility of the role.

Similarly, there are many who would willingly step up to the plate, but lack the operational nous or personal qualities that would make for a competent internal auditor.

For example, the ideal candidate for an ISO 9001:2015 internal auditor role will more than likely have a passion for Quality and driving quality performance and excellent customer experience within the organisation.

Choosing the Right Candidate(s)

While it’s important to choose individuals who meet the relevant criteria for the role – i.e. individuals who have both the relevant pre-quals as well as a healthy interest in, and understanding of the role and its responsibilities – it is equally important not to put all one’s internal auditor eggs into one basket so to speak.

Diversity is key and a team made up of cross-disciplined staff will ensure your internal audit team will remain unbiased and independent with a variety of skillsets, a must if your organisation has implemented an integrated management system.

ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Training

It is imperative that all nominated candidates are sent on an Internal Auditor training course, developed and presented by an accredited ISO Consulting firm.

Delegates attending such courses can expect to learn those skills specific to internal auditing such as:

CG Business Consulting is Ireland's
leading ISO Consulting firm

With years of experience and a wealth of expertise, our team of consultants can take you through the fundamentals and requirements of the Quality Management Systems standard, step by step, clause by clause.

In addition, they will walk you through internal auditing fundamentals, auditing techniques, PDCA and more so that at the end of this two-day course, you will be fully briefed and prepared to take on the role of ISO Internal Auditor.

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ISO 9001 Consulting Services

ISO 9001 Consulting Services for Business Success

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